Like most other health problems along with disease, we have witnessed a number of myths, fallacies and bogus suppositions associated with Peyronie’s disease (PD). This article is going to highlight a number of those general myths concerning PD and can help you know the difference between a fiction and the real truth.

What Is Peyronie's Disease?

Let us first see what Peyronie's disease is. This is an unnatural bend or curve of the penis. This occurrence is not as common as other male penile diseases. According to a data which I read a long time ago, I guess that the data about the prevalence of this disease among American men depends on various research institutes. I would suggest you read this article on the NCBI.NLM.NIH website if you want to know more about the data.

Oh by the way if you think this name sounds strange, you are right. The name Peyronie is French. The disease ... Read more »

Category: Mens Health | Views: 1738 | Added by: Buxykay | Date: 2014-05-31 | Comments (0)